
Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Indonesian cuisine with our wholesale selection of cloves, the fragrant spice that adds depth and warmth to a myriad of dishes. Sourced from the fertile soils of Indonesia, our premium cloves captivate with their bold flavor profile and exquisite aroma, embodying the essence of traditional Indonesian cooking.

Renowned for their versatility, cloves are a cornerstone of Indonesian culinary heritage, enhancing both savory and sweet dishes with their distinctive taste and fragrance. From savory curries and stews to indulgent desserts and beverages, cloves lend a unique depth of flavor that tantalizes the palate and evokes a sense of culinary adventure.

Our bulk sale presents an opportunity for chefs, restaurateurs, and culinary enthusiasts to access these prized spices in larger quantities, ensuring a consistent supply for all your culinary endeavors. Whether you’re infusing a traditional Indonesian dish with authentic flavor or experimenting with innovative culinary creations, our cloves are the perfect companion for your culinary journey.

Experience the essence of Indonesian cuisine with our premium cloves, and elevate your dishes to new heights of flavor and sophistication. With our commitment to quality and authenticity, our cloves promise to inspire creativity and delight the senses, making every culinary creation truly extraordinary.

Vendor Info

Vendor Information

  • Store Name: PT Aneesa Niscala Mandiri
  • Vendor: PT Aneesa Niscala Mandiri
  • Address: 2, Koto Tinggi Street
    Sumatera Barat
  • No ratings found yet!

Product Location

Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Warranty Policy

*Extended Return Policy Agreement between Party A (Buyer) and Party B (Supplier) on Grooft B2B Marketplace:*

This comprehensive Return Policy establishes the terms and conditions governing returns, refunds, and dispute resolution between Party A (Buyer) and Party B (Supplier) participating in transactions on the Grooft B2B Marketplace. Both parties mutually consent to the following guidelines:

1. Reporting Damaged or Defective Goods:

– Party A is obligated to promptly report any damages or defects in the received goods within 7 days of the goods being delivered.

– Clear photographic evidence must be provided by Party A to Party B to facilitate an expeditious resolution process.

2. Reporting Quality Issues:

– In instances where the goods received by Party A are of substandard quality, Party A is required to inform Party B within 7 working days from the date of receiving the goods.

– Comprehensive documentation and evidence supporting the claim of substandard quality must be provided to Party B.

3. Late Delivery Notification:

– Party A is required to report any instances of late delivery within 24 hours of receiving the goods.

– Late delivery claims should include pertinent details such as the shipment tracking information and the anticipated and actual delivery dates.

4. Overpayment by Mistake:

– Should Party A make an overpayment or duplicate payment by mistake, Party B agrees to promptly process a refund for the excess amount.

– Both parties commit to ensuring that financial transactions are accurately documented and discrepancies are addressed in a timely manner.

5. Order Cancellations:

– Party A retains the right to cancel an order within the agreed-upon cancellation period.

– Notice of order cancellations must be provided to Party B before the order is shipped or within the stipulated cancellation timeframe.

6. Partial Shipments and Quantity Discrepancies:

– In the event of partial shipments or discrepancies in the quantity of goods received, Party A must inform Party B within 7 days of receiving the partial shipment or noting the quantity discrepancy.

7. Service-related Matters:

– If the transaction involves services, Party A should report any dissatisfaction or issues with the services provided by Party B within 7 working days of the completion of the service.

8. Financial Agreements Settled Outside Grooft B2B:

– Acknowledging that financial agreements and payment settlements may occur outside the Grooft B2B Marketplace, both parties agree that the management of Grooft B2B is not responsible for dispute resolution in such cases.

– Disputes related to financial matters settled outside the platform will be resolved directly between Party A and Party B.

9. Applicable Law:

– Both parties recognize that the laws of the respective country of residence will govern their transactions and any disputes that may arise.

– The agreement to adhere to local laws fosters a fair and equitable resolution process.

10. Mutual Agreement on Terms:

– By engaging in transactions on the Grooft B2B Marketplace, both Party A and Party B assert their understanding and acceptance of these detailed return policies.

– It is imperative for both parties to review and familiarize themselves with these terms regularly, as they are subject to updates and modifications.

This extended Return Policy Agreement aims to establish a transparent and robust framework for conducting B2B transactions, addressing various potential issues that may arise during the course of business on the Grooft B2B Marketplace.

Product Enquiry

Product Enquiry

Spice of Indonesia: Bulk Cloves for Culinary Excellence

Spice of Indonesia: Bulk Cloves for Culinary Excellence

PT Aneesa Niscala Mandiri

3 months



Product QuantityDiscountPrice per Unit
5 - 10068%$9.5
101 - 20069%$9.4
201 - 50069%$9.3
501 - 100069%$9.2

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3 months

Avg. response time

1 Hour

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